Tampa Palms Community

                                                  Development District


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Board Leadership Roles

Financial Management                                                           Field & Oneal                                                                                                                              

Facilitate Board oversight role by providing:

       Development and analysis of annual operating budgets and

      definitive and actionable interim account reports. 

       Balance sheet analysis related to Board decisions.

       Cash flow projections related to short and long-term plans.

       Oversight of forward looking directional plans.

       Oversight of district resource allocation.

       Analysis of annual audits and internal controls.

       Provide financial leadership and direction to the treasury management effort, particularly as relates to efforts to achieve maximum (and safe) return on investments.


Community & Government Liaison                                Falkowitz

·      Monitor CDD mission

·      Leadership in resident education of CDD responsibilities vs. TPOA

·      Monitor changes to laws regarding CDDs

·      Coordinate TP interests with City Council

·      Monitor web site adherence to State requirements

·      Co-ordinate liaison with TPOST 3 and TP North to assure achievement of common goals.

·     Provide leadership and direction to the continuing branding efforts from the          perspectives of Tampa Palms and the greater community. This would include at a minimum the efforts to assure the safety and ambiance of Tampa Palms in such areas asy repaving and other projects.

Landscaping                                                                                    Oneal

·      Monitor landscape maintenance performance

·      Develop, implement & monitor routine revitalization and improvement plans. 

·      Develop, implement & monitor a community program to evolve the Tampa Palms community to drought-resistant and winter resistant landscape.

·   Work with staff and consultants to develop, implement and monitor Board programs to continually revitalize and keep fresh community landscape, in particular the urban forest.

·    Provide the leadership and direction to the water conservation effort from the perspective of the complex irrigation system infrastructure and the critical need to reduce to a minimum water use in this time of Level 1 Emergency Water Restrictions.


Irrigation & Stormwater                                                               Horvath

·      Monitor irrigation system performance and recommend changes                          

·      Monitor  preventive maintenance program and respond to problems

·      Comply with daily watering restrictions

·      Comply with monthly usage restrictions

·      Monitor emerging NPDES requirements                  

·      Anticipate changes in watering restrictions and make plans to comply

·      Design and  implement low volume irrigation

·      Provide leadership and direction to the rebranding effort from the perspective of the complex irrigation system infrastructure.

 ●      Work with staff and consultants to develop, implement and monitor programs to continually revitalize irrigation.

Infrastructure and Facility Oversight                                                  Diaz

·      Work with staff and consultants to develop, implement and monitor

Board-approved programs to continually enhance entrances, community lighting and other infrastructure.

·      Identify community infrastructure needs with staff & residents

·      Monitor transportation changes and their impact on Tampa Palms, particularly traffic safety.

·      Work with staff and consultants to develop, implement and monitor Board-approved programs to continually enhance parks.

·      Monitor construction and development activities in and near Tampa Palms to assure best interests of the community are served.

      Assume an overall leadership role in the ongoing branding of Tampa Palms from a project design perspective.




Centers are reviewed by the Board annually in Jan.