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Eco-Friendly Tampa Palms
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Updated October, 2024 |
Tampa Palms CDD Ponds
Residents and visitors alike are able to enjoy the numerous Tampa Palms
storm water ponds. These ponds are beautiful homes to aquatic life and
provide the invaluable services of scrubbing storm water before it enters
the wetlands or returns to the aquifer.
In Tampa Palms, the City-owned storm water system which includes the
curb-side and swale inlets and catch basins along with the storm water pipes
under the roads all lead directly to the ponds.
Making certain that harmful chemicals (such as car wash detergents,
pesticides and fertilizers) do not enter the storm drains will keep Tampa
Palms ponds healthy and beautiful.
Any observed dumping into the ponds or storm drains should be reported to
any of the following:
The City of Tampa 813 274-3101
The Tampa Palms CDD 813 977-3933
Hillsborough County EPC 813 627-2600
Aerial Views
For an
aerial view of the Tampa Palms storm water pond system,
click here
Pond Inventory
For a
complete inventory of the CDD-owned ponds in Tampa Palms
click here.